December 31, 2014

My pastor friend Tony 'G-Man' Guerrero

One of V.'s classmate's aunt was kinda hitting on me on the way to school, but I kept turning her down. (because I had a wife and kids etc, but also, she didn't have any teeth). She later fixed her teeth, and invited me to her RV (or trailer or something) and was trying to give me something to drink, and getting closer to me... All of a sudden a Comcast truck showed up to fix her internet, so I quickly grabbed the opportunity and left her place.

Later I told this story to a friend of mine in his office, Tony "G-Man" Guerrero, who was a pastor. And he said it was very bad what I did.

December 30, 2014

Guardian of the Galaxy

I was a guardian of the galaxy, had a cool computer on my left arm...

December 16, 2014


We went camping with the Belchambers (we may or may not stayed in a LEGO camper). I also had to lend my glasses to our CTO (Jane) for reading purposes, cause she couldn't find hers.

December 13, 2014

Silver Gold Diamond

Tomi was a silver level time-travel-coder, I was a gold level time-travel-coder and we were looking for a diamond level time-travel-coder... based on your level you could go further in time. At the end we found a diamond level coder.

December 10, 2014

Pastor Jeff

We were at the old Tampa church and we ran into Pastor Jeff and his family. He introduced his wife and his two sons.... One of them had blonde spiky hair (which is weird because he has a son and a daughter).


I jokingly called Fargo Marmaduke, and my wife said, why are you calling him that? That's our other dog's name. I looked over and there he was. Marmaduke.


Finally I landed a job at Marvel as a writer, and I was super excited because I got to work with Scott Snyder. On my first day I actually realized they thought I was an artist, so they made me draw panels... I didn't wanna tell them I can't draw so I tried. It was horrible.