October 27, 2021

A spy in Paris

We were in Paris (that kind of looked like Venice) with Liz. We stayed at an AirBnb near the Eiffel tower (which I didn't see at all, through the entire dream). The building where the Airbnb was, was huge. Like GINORMOUS. We hung out there most of the time. There was a Russian guy in one of the rooms that we became friends with. Liz went sight seeing and Lauren showed up at one point from Germany, we talked about coding and living overseas etc. (I felt bad hanging out with her without Liz but also trying to make a move I think, but nothing happened) at one point, I was hanging out at a pier when a Russian girl approached me with some spying stuff to do. I can't remember what it was but I didn't seemed phased by it, so I assume it was normal). I was running around Paris and trying to catch a boat (no clue where I was going this whole time btw) I got on a little boat filled with people from India, but the boat flipped and I fell in the water. I went back to the Airbnb to change. I think Janet was sleeping in our room, so I had to to the Russian guy's apartment to change. Liz was still not back, so I decided to go out again, back to the pier. That's when another Russian guy showed up and asked me to to done spying but I said no. He left and a couple of minutes later I saw the original Russian girl coming back very quickly. I was about to tell her that somebody asked me for more spy stuff when I noticeda syringe in her hand which she stabbed me with just a little bit. I immediately felt woozy and my heart pumping really fast, but didn't pass out and started running around in Paris, trying to call Liz, but my phone was not working at all. But not like a black screen or anything. Just was off. Couldn't click on icons etc. I went into a museum where there was a robbery right after I arrived, so I left. I was getting really sick, then at one point I ran into our Russian roommate and I told him everything, the spies the syringe all of it. He made me smoke a cigarette and gave me a Pepsi then left, to find a doctor. The doctor came and he was very suspicious and told me that there was a robbery by foreigners at an art gallery near by and he thought I was one of the robbers, so didn't help me. I didn't feel better, but didn't die. I kept trying to reach Liz, but couldn't. I was totally lost and it was getting dark so I had to find a place to sleep. I was walking outside and I heard a group of people talking in Hungarian so I asked them where the Eiffel Tower was, because that's where we were staying at. They pointed me to a direction where I could see where the tower is. It was like a wooden lookout really tall (I still couldn't see the Eiffel tower, but the lookout building was so shaky, I told somebody next to me, I'm ready to die, but not like this) I left and it was pretty dark by now, so I found this big building where I was able to snuck in. It was cold too. I saw a guy going into a room, but a sneakily ran into another room with machines (it looked like a mechanics building or something) I tried to hide but he found me and started talking to me in French very calmly, but I didn't understand what he was saying.

July 27, 2021


I was working at a corporation. Not the one I'm at now, just another big company. I had two friends, did not recognize any of the faces (I was even somebody else) we were close friends, and one of them said that if it comes down to it, our third friend would do what the company wants, not caring about the individual. Later that they an "order" came down to kill our co-workers. My first friend didn't do it, I didn't do it. So my third friend shot my other friend without hesitating and pointed the gun at me. I knew I was gonna die, and I closed my eyes. I was not afraid, I was just thinking to myself that I had a good life and it's time to move on. Then the "company" friend killed me too.
I was dead, just floating around and I went to see Liz (she was in a different body, but I knew it was her). I had her head in my hands , I think she was sleeping or something and she didn't know I was there anyway. I told her I wish we met sooner and so we could have spent more time together.

June 28, 2021


We were making out on the couch with Betty and I slowly moved my left hand down on her side, when I accidentally touched her colonoscopy bag. I apologized and gently moved it a little bit, then continued the make out sesh.

February 10, 2021


We were married for a while, the kids were maybe around 6-8 years older (all 3 of them) We lived in the woods in a huge cabin looking house in a neighborhood. It was either late fall or early winter. The trees lost most of their leaves already. The houses were kind of close to each other. We were fighting, maybe even breaking up again over something I don't remember what. I asked Dorian to move our car, a dirty, green SUV. He jumped in and slowly started driving. I watched him because he was just learning how to drive. He lost control and somehow wedged the car under the neighbors Jeep. He was stuck. I was mad a little bit, went to the neighbor's house asking for help.